The Lake and All of Its Splendor

The weekend has come and gone once again. To keep up with my recent trend of weekends, I was not able to get out and have a significant ride. I say significant because for a short while my wife and I were able to ride in Wisconsin. With great difficulty we rode for 2 miles, not very significant. By no means was our ride too hard, but rather bicycles were frowned upon at every point of the resort. To bring the point home, Lake Geneva, the nearest city, didn't even allow bicycles on the streets. What kind of world does Wisconsin live in? Seriously, is it considered earth up there? The people actually believe they have mountains and that Brett Favre is still a great quarterback. In Chicago we concede the fact that Rex Grossman is short of decent.

In a funny way, this blog about bicycling has progressed with little to do about bicycling. I would like to think that I can improve upon that, but so far experience has shown me that I can not be too sure. At the very least I have pictures to keep none of you entertained. On this rare occasion in my blog I have a picture of me with a bike. Fittingly I am not on the bike.

Placing jokes to the side, I was able to have a great weekend with my wife at a marriage conference that we attended. Friendships were made, we hope, and fun times were had. Our marriage was not affected in any great way, however, we gleaned some useful information. To place a cherry on top, the room that we stayed in was spectacular. Whenever there is an overhead shower and king-size bed involved comfort and luxury are not felt missing.

With our arrival home, we realized that in all of our fun we became immensely sore. Old age and apathy no longer creep upon the body, but take it by storm. Funny how that happens in life. Funny, or depressing? An hour long volleyball game is no longer just an hour, but a weekend, for that is the amount of time it takes the body to repair. A short two hand touch football game, in an aging body, now feels like an entire NFL season. I exaggerate much, but the point has been made, I am no longer in my youth. Here I come, Viagra.

We must ride to keep us closer to our youth if not by physical means then by mental. There is an exhilaration that comes with hitting the trail and not knowing if you will arrive home in the same condition as when you left. If trails are not what you ride, then ride the streets. Whatever you do, ride.

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